@NEETzsche @fuggy
No, commie blocks leave enough space to have a pub withing walking distance.

>needing to stay basically in one place for that long

@NEETzsche @fuggy
Bruh, what?

That's called a home. :D
And nothing is holding me here, I am 20 min away from train.

>riding the train

Bro, a couple weekends ago I drove 800km one way. I went basically in a straight line to my destination, too. The vast majority of that trip was on one road. I arrived literally at the exact spot I was staying at over the weekend. My car was within stone throwing distance of the hotel room I stayed in. Literally.

You’re coping with this nonsense, bru. :anintellectual:

@NEETzsche @fuggy
Ok, let me know, when you get from denial to bargening. (I don't care about the anger phase.)

>having to rely on train schedules
>not being able to just go where you want, when you want

Bro I can go basically anywhere on this continent with my car, whenever I want. You can only go where the train takes you and when it feels like taking you. Eastern Europeans on suicide watch. Take your train all the way to gulag, cyka. :anintellectual:

@NEETzsche @fuggy
Do you really think, I didn't notice the switch of topics?

Nice coping with the car, but suburbs are still exactly the same kind of useless.

>Do you really think, I didn't notice the switch of topics?

You're the one who switched topics to car because you don't have one. :anintellectual:

Or maybe you were thinking of buses and trains when you were talking about “walking distance”? Public transit doesn’t enter into the minds of civilized peoples like Americans

It would be if I lived in California. Here’s what it was actually like: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48JQytFv1vQ

This is what it’s really like, or was for me, since I drove at night. Ignore the commentary

Transcontinental 🏳️‍⚧️ road trips are a joy especially the southwestern region at night
@NEETzsche @LukeAlmighty @fuggy yes you really showed them how rush hour traffic is never a problem by posting this night drive video

Yes he sure showed me how serious of a problem rush hour traffic is by posting this work of fiction.


People like you is why America is going to shit just admit other parts of the world do things better

They objectively don’t, tho. Suburbs > Commie blocks. Cars > public transit. GG no re

@NEETzsche@iddqd.social wasn't saying commie blocks where better just literally anything else is besides suburbs and commie blocks

@NEETzsche@iddqd.social public transport is better no questions asked Japan is shining example

@fuggy @NEETzsche
>People like you is why America is going to shit
pretty sure he's not a nigger/kike

@NEETzsche@iddqd.social Suburbs are more depressing than commie blocks to me somehow

But commie blocks are kinda a vibe doe but I get why people hate them

@NEETzsche@iddqd.social what I am basically saying is commie blocks are so shit they go full circle and they end up being kinda cool and hella vibes somehow

I couldn't explain it

The posture that commie blocks are in any way superior to suburbs is hilarious tho.

@fuggy @NEETzsche also re: public transport v cars, in most countries with decent infrastructure you can go anywhere in cities for a fraction of the cost. tokyo metro was super cheap, london underground is a decent price and def cheaper than a car in london. countries with good trains (not eastern europe! not eastern europe!) also tend to get you there faster than taking a car (esp to popular locations, try driving to london during commute hours vs by train)
@NEETzsche @fuggy theres a scale difference in europe: theres a lot less europe than america and things are much denser & closer together

>there’s a scale difference in europe

And we arrive right back at commie blocks vs suburbs. The whole point of suburbs is there isn’t that scale problem, but you’re also pretty close to a city.

@NEETzsche @fuggy also european suburbs are structured quite a bit differently to american suburbs

>european suburbs are inferior to american suburbs

Didn’t even need to tell me, I just knew intuitively

@NEETzsche @fuggy how long do u have to drive to get to a store or food place from an american suburb?

I drive maybe 5min to my nearest grocer, assuming I drive the speed limit. (Nobody does.)

@NEETzsche @fuggy same in europe. when i visited my family in texas the nearest stores were 20min away & they lived in a pretty well off suburb so idk

Texas’ civics are kind of fucked up. Things are spaced too far apart. I live in Deseret – won’t get more specific than that – but if you look at satellite maps it’s basically the giant desert in the West of the United States. Most of the land is uninhabited. However, the kinds of things you would normally need, like food, gasoline, or home improvement stuff are, by design, practically within shouting distance.

The more niche places, you might have to go 15min-20min. I have to go 15min by car to a couple places.

@NEETzsche @fuggy you dont really get the 'i need to drive 40min to get anywhere' in europe like you would in texas is the point im trying to make yea

Yeah but the price you pay for that is you’re in a cramped, crowded city. I’d still take the 40min drive over apartment life. It’s just that, depending on where in the States you live, you often don’t have to deal with even that.

@NEETzsche @fuggy all of the figures i mentioned are from a house in the suburbs.....
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@kallisti @NEETzsche @fuggy i remember having to go down a highway twice to get a haricut in american suburb. 40 minutes drive or over 1:20hr commute to simply get to the nearest commercial district to have the privilege to get $10 dollar haicut thanks to american urban sprawl.
@Nelenese @NEETzsche @fuggy ouch. ive a barber the same distance as the shop & pub, but they cant do my hair so i have to go into town typically, which is a 10min drive on a good day (or a 15min bike ride)
@kallisti @NEETzsche @fuggy that's why amazon or food delivery services literally have a strangehold on american life despite it being so young. if you wanted to eat out or buy something, just walk out the door and you'll be there in 10 minutes. for americans, it basically requires a car because it's literally dangerous to be outside and long distances opting most people to just simply have it come to them.
It's also why people are fat. So sedentary.
@Nelenese @NEETzsche @fuggy that is actually horrific i didnt know it was that bad
@kallisti @NEETzsche @fuggy I literally had people drive to parks have the privilege of *walking* to get themselves to exercise.
I remember walking from school back home since I didn't have a car nor a drivers license and wanted just to test the distances. 3 sodding hours just for a one-way trip, let alone commute. half the time there weren't any pavement/sidewalk so i had to trudge through wet grass, with chaffed thighs and a cramp due to all the height differences.

I rode a bicycle to class when I was in college and broke. 2mi of bike riding each way was good exercise, actually, especially with a backpack full of books.

@kallisti @NEETzsche @fuggy oh yeah, i also had to walk through highway entrances and intersections of arterial roads since there weren't any crossings half the time which was technically illegal. I literally could've been hit and killed if someone drives a bit funny, which happens very often in my city.
imagine walking through (pic related) but there's no sidewalk half the time.

I lived in a high crime city in a 700sqft apartment while I was in college. Saw things like knife fights outside of my apartment routinely. Neighbors had various kinds of vermin and no matter how much I cleaned I kept having to deal with them. Yes, this is typical of city life globally.

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@Nelenese @NEETzsche @fuggy @kallisti Even Iowa has shit like this. Is it family ties that keep people trapped in the rat utopia, or do people just really like being able to jaywalk though a demolition derby to Jay's CD?

I mean it’s objectively better than living in a 650 sq ft apartment and being directly reliant on a public transit infrastructure if you want to leave your neighborhood.

@NEETzsche @Nelenese @fuggy you dont deem to get that i dont live in an appartment and can leave my neighbourhood by foot

I mean, the 366sqft apartment is about as reflective as city life as the 40min drive to a grocer is for suburban life.

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