@Fiddle I feel like stuff like this is a trick.

It's the people who destroyed large swathes of your society and culture, showing you their handiwork, and attempting to convince you that the fact that THIS is destroyed, means the rest doesn't matter.

I liked the girl who said "I'd date you right now" to the fat guy haahah.

Don't let this sort of thing get you down.

@Tovarish_Pedal @Fiddle
> This is a trick
They came in with evidence, any you didn't come even with an experiment. If you have any advice on what to try, I will be happy to fail in a way, that I never failed before.

@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty @Tovarish_Pedal my man you're from czechia not from the US, dating is not nearly as bad as it is there

@Fiddle @Tovarish_Pedal
I know, and I am happy for it.
That doesn't change the fact, that I'm an autistic retard :D

@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty @Tovarish_Pedal

You're not going to become a better man or find a wife if you keep complaining online about the horrid dating scene and politics in the US online. Work around your autism.

@Fiddle @Tovarish_Pedal
Are you a fucking mushroom?
I am not complaining, I am begging for help. And of course I am doing whatever I can think of, but don't you think, that if I had a solution, I wouldn't spend 8h a day on it?

@LukeAlmighty @LukeAlmighty @Tovarish_Pedal

I just think you're spending way too much time and energy online on problems that don't directly affect you.
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