How it actually works: Well gosh darn that tyrannical government, I think I'll just go and burn down the chicken farm. Let them eat crickets!
@cjd ... what is the point of this cartoon? there's a crazy guy thinking the government is tyrannical and then it kills him, so he wasn't actually crazy?
They're trying to make the case that 2A doesn't matter because guys who want to own guns (represented as crazy guy) could just get droned any time.

It's really bad logic, I mean esp. given the most powerful military in the world lost to somewhere around 20,000 "crazy guys" in Afghanistan. Crazy guys with guns, in the mountains, are fucking impossible to deal with.
@LukeAlmighty @cjd @lain the near 30% inflation on the cost of missiles? Seems better than the egg situation.

@thatguyoverthere @lain @cjd
And that is a 40 year old design.
You know, the new designs will be 3 times the price, just because the manafacturer will claim 5 percent increase in accuracy.

@thatguyoverthere @lain @cjd
Why did I even Google it, when I knew the result already? I guess, I just needed to test my autism.

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