@BlinkRape @Sui
Legal nightmares are a different topic.

He is not in tears from knowing, that video evidence will soon not be admisible at curt.

He is crying, because his wife is bullying the shit out of him.

> his wife is bullying the shit out of him.

He needs to grow some fucking balls.

@Sui @BlinkRape
Well, at least, now you have a complete context to why it got me so furious.

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More context yeah, still lots of gaps. She's only mad because it was AI simulated, rather than like real people fucking?

There are some fucking weird moral lines these days.
Someone said they were friends with the woman that got put in the porn. Would explain why the wife is mad.
Ooooh.. Another dimension added.
Right, yeah I can see that causing some shit now lmfao.
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