Actions have consequences.

I warned everyone for literally years that I would create a fediverse search tool if I didn't get anybody to play with. I got tired of bluffing.

btw, if "people might not like that smh read the room" was a valid reason to shut someone down, the civil rights movement would not have happened.

@r000t because of such selfish idiots Fediverse becomes more and more closed and hostile to common users.
you pose a threat to many people and you haven't even enough brain to realize this bullshit. moreover, you're proud of being an asshole. this is disgusring obsessive perversion of a kind.

@iron_bug You too can make yourself 100% invisible to the FSB, CIA, MI5, Santa Claus, and all the other surveillance groups who were 100% unable to listen to public statuses posted publicly to public timelines on a decentralized public social media network, before some unemployed autist wrote a few hundred lines of Python.

@r000t python is a pile of steaming bullshit that I deleted from my system totally. I'm definitely not interested in monkey scripting and what monkeys do. and no, I don't use Mastodon(?) and this picture has absolutely no meaning to me.

So you admit that as:Public isn't exactly a feat of engineering and technical prowess, but a demonstration of how any sufficiently motivated loser can build a tool to collect public statuses that were posted publicly to public timelines?

Privacy scopes work across fediverse software packages. That's why there's an interoperable standard!

At the end of the day, it sounds like zoomers need to learn something that's been drilled into previous generations heads for decades: If you post it on the Internet, it's there forever.

The experience and usability of the social network, to people who are actually interested in social network, far outstrips any competing desires from people who are a) Using the software incorrectly and b) Being gatekeeping shitbags about it. For every post from someone complaining that as:Public is "harmful", I can show you 5 others complaining about the lack of discoverability and full-text search on fedi.

Finally, I need a gig. I was told to make a software project that people would use so I could put it on me resume. In fact, 2 out of every 3 people who gave advice on this front, gave this specific advice.

In a world where I need a job so I can stop stealing cryptocurrency from druglords on other continents, *or* someone to play League with... If people want as:Public to not exist, they've got precisely two options.

And if as:Public is truly as dangerous as people claim, either of those two outs should be considered vastly preferable to the alternative.

0.1.5 releases today.

@r000t @iron_bug These anti-scrapers need to understand they have no right to privacy on posts that are made publicly. They can pound sand for all I care.
@r000t @coin that does not mean one can help scum like putler, xi and so on.
this is not safe in the streets outside. this does not mean intentional attacking people is allowed.

@iron_bug @coin Again, this hinges on one central idea that everyone's kinda painting over as quickly as they expose it: The idea that putin, xi, a future american dictator, any of these people who command massive militaries and surveillance agencies with equally massive research departments, were 100% incapable of doing anything my tool does before I wrote it.

If somebody is claiming that as:Public is harmful because of these entities, or any of their caliber, then they are necessarily accepting that premise.

So as long as people say "b-but putler!", they have to defend the ridiculous idea that putin couldn't snap his fingers and have как:публичный in his hands within two weeks.

@r000t @iron_bug This also implies that these agencies/governments aren't already scraping everything public on the Internet. Everything is viewable, scrapable, archived.
@r000t @coin there's no place for voyeurism of any kind. nobody likes peeping tom against his windows. even if the windows are glassed.

@iron_bug @coin If these were private "indoor" communities, that argument might hold some weight.

Twitter and clones such as Mastodon and Pleroma are public soapboxes. It's the digital equivalent of your own platform, your own stage, your own pulpit, your own nationally syndicated talk show. An as:Public collector is the equivalent of standing in the crowd and writing down what is said.

I've noticed that pretty much the only strategy by antiscrapers is just to appeal to some concept that is already looked down upon as bad; Putin, voyeurism, etc., and then both my tool and social media itself are contorted to fit this narrative.

@r000t @coin this is opposite to propaganda, if you didn't notice. propaganda imposes invasion in private life, "nothing to hide" hypocrisy, endorses access for numerous bullshit agencies to any user data for "safety", gets in every zombie box and so on. and I know what fascism and totalitarianism is in real life, not like you kids just imagine from stupid movies or something. and I don't have illusions.
selfish retards are immune to logics, I know. but I tried, anyway.

@iron_bug @coin Have you considered that this tool is me responding to totalitarians, or at least people with violent totalitarian fantasies?

@r000t @coin nope. you haven't ever seen totalitarianism. and I lived in totalitatian hell hole for whole my life. so don't tell me tales, kid. you're doing stupid bullshit, I say this with all my great experiance of resistance to fascist state.

@iron_bug @r000t @coin
We're not in a totalitarian hell. We can move 1 paper once in 4 years.

@r000t @LukeAlmighty @coin you kids have never seen totalitarian regime and you whine your cozy sandbox is "terrible".
and I can't and I won't explain real things to you because you can never ever understand this, because you're just sissy stupid obese kids that haven't seen real life and real problems.

@iron_bug @r000t @coin
I had real problems before it was cool.
Like for instance, I remember not being able to voot.

I for one will not be lectured on fascism by someone who uses the word putler

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