Do you actually have an epistemological defense of "liberalism" or do you just have masturbatory platitudes religiously elevated to unquestionable dogma?

@doctorsex I'll tell you what, I didn't have a big problem when the American right was represented by folks like Reagan, Nixon, or even that imbecile that was G.W.Bush.

I disagreed with them on almost everything, but at least we all agreed on the rules of the game - on confrontation of ideas where the best argument eventually wins, on the scientific method, on the democratic framework, and on not throwing offenses at the ideological opponent without trying at least to dismantle their arguments.

Whatever happened to that party after Trump was elected is just like seeing Idiocracy unfold in front of my eyes.

Condemning a party that has become the negation of everything that made our species successful and our civilization possible and wishing for it to be erased from history is a civic duty.

This isn't a philosophical justification; maybe I should rephrase my question. Can you justify, in the abstract, from the first principles of John Locke all the way to Karl Popper's vision for the open society, this sort of liberal idealism?

@doctorsex Popper's idea of showing no tolerance towards the intolerant, because that's the only way of preserving a tolerant society, is the cornerstone of my political thought.

And I'm already used to the fascist counterargument - "but who said that we're the intolerant? if you're intolerant towards us doesn't it make you the one that a tolerant society ought to fight?"

And, again, that's a flawed argument if you look at it from the perspective of "who was intolerant first?"

Who tried to make their religion the cornerstone of the political doctrine of the country?

Who tried to prevent women from having abortions, gay people from marrying, kids from reading, racial minorities from voting, and black people from just not being beaten up to death?

When you ask these simple questions, it becomes quite clear who wears the hat of the intolerant.

@blacklight @blacklight @doctorsex >Popper's idea of showing no tolerance towards the intolerant, because that's the only way of preserving a tolerant society, is the cornerstone of my political thought.

Then you have no right to complain when you get put in a camp :02_shrug:

@ChristiJunior @doctorsex @blacklight
Nothing tells me more about the current state of the US politics as the pride that lefties have when proclaiming their willingness to attack the other side.

And then, the absolute shock, when the response is ""ok, guess it's a war then""

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