PSA: right now has a spambot problem where users are literally signing up with CP avatars.

If you are the admin of a pleroma/soapbox instance and are not wanting to outright block Pawoo, you can mitigate this in AdminFE by removing avatars from Pawoo users by going into MRF settings and under Avatar Removal, entering in

Blogpost on it, with a little bit of background on Pawoo's moderation issues.
@PhenomX6 let me guess, AI cp using that model the glowniggers put out last month. great, just what we needed. fucking cia niggers.

@grey @PhenomX6
Well, what a way to make the real CP now absolutely inrecognizable from the rest.

Good fucking job. While the demand """might""" go down a bit, saving the kids will now be a real nightmare.

@LukeAlmighty @PhenomX6 the only thing the feds want to help the children with is getting sold into sex trafficking for their bosses

@PhenomX6 @grey
What the actual hell is that shit? I wouldn't believe this amount of twists in a B movie.

@LukeAlmighty @PhenomX6 this is a system built to abuse and abduct children.
It gets worse, California just legalized this (they won't extradite troon kids/grooming victims), while Florida in retaliation legalized the reverse (they won't extradite if troonery is suspect).

Take a guess on why the trans community has so much pushback. Pissed nerds have only a fraction of the power pissed off parents at a school board meeting do.
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