Anyone who views abortion as more socially corrosive than gay marriage needs to update their priors in the face of recent historical evidence. Abortion is bad and kills babies, but hypocrisy surrounding life and whose lives are and aren't valuable is a pretty normal if unpleasant feature of society. Gay marriage redefines one of the most ancient and universal human institutions, the one which produces new life, and completely separates it from that purpose by expecting everyone to pretend poopdick is every bit as good and valuable. "Her wife" gives way to "her penis," and pretty quickly society becomes completely unmoored from reason and reality.
@ArdainianRight The gay marriage debate was also when Niceness was most effectively weaponized against the traditionalists: If gays want to get married it would be totally Mean to deny them that right, look at this respectable gay couple, just be Nice and say that they can get married, it doesn't affect you anyway and call the Cool people support it. Surely your silly principles don't matter more than the happiness of actual flesh-and-blood people?

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight
2 gay people living together is hardly what I would call a destruction of marriage. The hetero relationship are not affected by such a life.

Nah... I cannot accept it. But, would you mind if, if it was a different legal concept? In czech republic, gays can ask for "registered partnership", but not for marriage. But the function is the same.

And abortion..... it's complicated, but no way can I call murdering babies as bad as not having them.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior Are we sure it doesn't affect us? Marriage rates have plummeted since Obergefell, and June, the traditional month of weddings, has turned into Compulsory Fag Celebration Month. On some level, we're all in the same boat.

@ArdainianRight @ChristiJunior
Yeah, I am quite sure, that divorce laws, boss babe culture, birth control, random law enforcement of SA laws etc had a much stronger effect on the marriage rates.

I might be open to changing my opinion of course, but under such an extreme conditions, it is quite a hard variable to prove.

@LukeAlmighty @ArdainianRight There's also an argument that gays were only able to gain access to marriage *because* the institution had already been so severely undermined. Hell, I remember "let gays marry, they have the same right to be miserable as the rest of us" and variations thereof being a popular pro-gay marriage joke.

@ChristiJunior @ArdainianRight
This way around, I can at least see some logical chain of steps from A to B.

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