
I feel so fucking lost.
I wrote 3 IRL people wanting to meet up or at least just talk. Neither of them responded.

How the fuck am I supposed to not be forever alone under such conditions?

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>Living in eastern Europe

I know your pain. But I can't offer much advice other than do what I did and move somewhere else lmao
@ignika98 @LukeAlmighty WTF? Eastern Europe is arguably already preferable to the West, and is sure to be so in 20-30 years, when it will be the only major region left with a White supermajority. It's not like White people in the West are known for being super warm or sociable either, and let's not even get started on the nonwhites.
Eastern Europe is largely devoid of opportunity. If you're someone living there without an established social group, it's hard to find one.

I moved to Florida and found the people here to be way more sociable than in where I used to live. And while I would certainly choose Eastern Europe over most major US cities, where I am in life right now, I much prefer Florida.
@ignika98 @LukeAlmighty Florida does seem to enjoy a somewhat remarkable dynamic, given how it's one of the states that's actually been trending more conservative over the years, so if it manages to preserve its state rights it might remain a decent place to live, that's a mighty big IF tho.

And the vast majority of other US states and cities, as well as urban Western Europe, is just a demographic ticking time bomb, and increasingly, overtly tyrannical and ultra-gynocentric to boot. Eastern Europe might have retarded laws on the books (against Lolocaust denial for example), but those laws are barely enforced, and crucially, you don't face much social stigma, let alone Cancellation, for opposing GloboHomo dogmas.
I do worry about that last part when it comes to where I used to live. Ever since COVID the government there has been uncharacteristically pozzed. We had some of the strictest COVID measures in all of Europe, and only got rid of the outdoor mask mandate last April.

Plus, the country is a hot tourist and business destination for Russians. And so ever since the war in Ukraine broke out, the government there has taken even more steps to align itself with the west. There have been talks about implementing ESG related rules, and they've already started tearing up roads to make room for more bus lanes and discourage car use.
@ignika98 @LukeAlmighty A bad government can in theory be voted out tho, an imported Enemy population is far more difficult to deal with tho. Hopefully the Florida Cubans remain Based.
Eastern Europe is a hotbed for political corruption and rigged elections. Always has been. Plus, where I used to live at least, the population is incredibly docile. They hated the COVID measures, but only protested once. When that didn't work, they resigned themselves to the idea that this would go on forever, and there's nothing they can do about it.

And that's not even going into the fact that the EU is not a democracy and it's members cannot be voted in or out. The people who write EU laws are not elected by the people. And yet the EU member nations have no choice but to abide by them. This is one of the reasons I think the EU will collapse by the end of the decade.
@ignika98 @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty I lived and worked in Jacksonville for a few months back in 2003. While I *did* like it there, I have to also say that the state of Florida is by no means an economic or social oasis. Even 20 years ago it was just teeming with fucking Haitians and I can only imagine that the demographics are even worse today.

As for its leadership, I think Ron DeSantis is a sociopath and God help us if he becomes the next president.

Florida also has a major problem with hyper-aggressive prosecution of any imaginable legal infraction. That state has over 100 prisons and keeping them stocked is big business down there. There’s even an expression about Florida — “Go there on vacation, leave there on probation.”
@ChristiJunior @ignika98 @LukeAlmighty The big downside to Eastern Europe is the risk of your country being used as part of a proxy war to further US geopolitical aims, though this is also increasingly happening to Western Europe.
@ArdainianRight @LukeAlmighty @ignika98 That's not really gonna happen to NATO countries, because that's how a proxy war turns into WW3. Countries like Moldova might be at risk of becoming the next Ukraine, but Romania and Poland, let alone Hungary, aren't.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @ignika98 Directly getting fucked, at least. They're mostly getting economically thrown under the bus, but a hot war is highly unlikely. Which is basically where Western Europe is too.
@ArdainianRight @LukeAlmighty @ignika98 And Western Europe also gets to enjoy White Genocide, a Muslim Invasion, State Feminism, GloboHomo as the state religion etc.


Life long friend, will write back but won’t meet up. The world is crazy write now.

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