I had a good looking friend not so long ago. He was a solid 8 looks wise. The kind of guy women look back at, change seating arrangements just to look at him or be close to him. The definition of "Chad "

Lol I'm a sub 5 and was mogged constantly but I didn't really care much until I noticed how women would consistently cheat on their partners with him. I'd always advise him not to do this as it's risky and you potentially get killed by some lunatic boyfriend or husband.

Didn't really matter. Some of these women had hard working, good men. Men with principles and just wanted to provide and be loved. They risked all that just to "experience" him.

It made me question the value of being a good man. Being a man that has principles and morals. I realized that those are important traits still. However those traits in the dating market are only valuable to 2 kinds of women

1. The few women that are smart and realize a good thing when they see one.

2. A woman who is panicking that she is no longer getting the same amount of suitors as her younger self.

Good luck to the men who are still trying to actively date. Shout out to you because I don't know where you guys get the mental energy to do it.

Now immagine being a zoomer, and having this info available since you were 8.

@LukeAlmighty If there's one thing I've learned from both black pill and red pill is that I should NEVER let myself go just because I'm in a relationship. My girlfriend might say it's ok, and she might not even be lying when she says that (at least she doesn't think she's lying) but in the long term it will have an impact and possibly result in all sorts of problems.

My step mom is the worst kind of irrational. She is kind and all, but it took me years to truly understand, thar when she "absolutely believe in X", she might have the oposite opinion 10 minutes later.

The opinion was real, and she did believe it. But they just don't tend to stay for long :blobcatfingerguns:

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