@Christi Junior Of course. Everything in the world is organized by the Jews and everything is illegitimate when the cremlin says so. Because you're a dirty nazi.
@martin Zelensky is literally a Jew who has criminalized "anti-Semitism" in Ukraine, it's not my fault that reality keeps confirming my biases :loli_shrug:
@Christi Junior Nazis should be criminalized everywhere. Like in nearly all Europe. Hitler gave good reason for that. Such pieces of shit are not welcomed.
@martin This is the "freedom" and "democracy" that GloboHomo will risk WW3 to protect btw.
@Christi Junior
I don't care that you are GloboHomo. It's your problem.
And ruSSia will not launch nuclear missiles. Their nuclear arsenal is in similar state as the rest of second strongest army(in Ukraine).
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