@Boomerman @sickburnbro @Shadowman311 Really, REALLY depends on the industry. The mac ecosystem is popular w/ our guys because ipads are the only ones to run foreflight. Music production is largely apple from what I’ve seen, with video being a split depending on the cameras, the formats they like, etc. But overall, like 60-70% of the camera companies are mac users, to the point they drop $6,00 on the pro comps for rendering.

IDK about graphic design anymore, I don’t get the impression they’re all that monolithic, seems like a bunch moved to tablets instead of computers anyways

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Shadowman311 from what I've seen most of the music stuff runs fine on both nowadays, and it's a "I want to be seen" kind of thing - e.g. a dj wants to be seen using a mac (gay)

@sickburnbro @Boomerman @Shadowman311 Guys aren’t picking systems clean slate though. When you have 10+ years of muscle memory, you’re fast w/ a work flow, going back to zero w/ a diff OS is pointless. Not worth the aggravation

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Shadowman311 for sure; the thing to pay attention to is that Apple really massively overcharges for the pro stuff because they have a fairly captive audience like that, but the huge budgets are quickly disappearing from those industries.

@sickburnbro @Boomerman @Shadowman311 It really is a hell of a thing to see them go from a relatively expandable 2009 ‘pro’ chassis - which is what my studio contact is still using in his place AFAIK - up to a 2x trash can (non-expandible, total flop) and that STILL wasn’t enough. Now they’re what, $8k? For a glorified phone cpu?

I know someone who got the can and he’s loved it, bought one when they came out and has been using it day-in, day-out for more than 10 years w/o issue. He thinks that people will be moving into that model if they wanna stay in the ecosystem, some creatives are switching over to older cans or that square mac mini ‘studio’ they came out with a while back.

I kinda wonder how many of those guys you could peel away if you just polished up that autokey thingy in linux - if you could provide 90% of the mac OS shortcuts and workflow, how many would be happy to leave the plantation?

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Shadowman311 most of the actual professional users that are dropping the 8k because of workflow and need to get stuff done would in a heartbeat.

the "creatives" ones who are the glorified photoshop users types usually don't need those expensive systems and like it for how it looks on their desk.

@sickburnbro @Boomerman @Shadowman311 I’m talking about the creatives whose rate card starts at 4 figures, the video guys keep showing up w/ the macbooks whenever I come across them. I have heard some say that the M-series stuff is good enough to function as a primary, though I doubt it.

It would be funny of the whole ‘laptop dock’ concept finally comes into its own though

@WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Shadowman311 @sickburnbro >I have heard some say that the M-series stuff is good enough to function as a primary, though I doubt it.
For audiovisual work? Easily, assuming they're buying the higher RAM configs.

As much as I loved chunky laptop docks with satisfying plop and release feedback, USB-C/Thunderbolt really delivers the one cable solution. Throw in a magnet tip and you have your power, display, peripherals hanging off a very convenient connector ready to rip and go at a moment's notice. Also cuts down on connector cycle anxiety, love these little magnetic tips.

@birdulon @Boomerman @Shadowman311 @sickburnbro Maybe for a single guy, but I hear nothing but nightmares from everyone with issued gear. Purchasing depts can’t seem to parse they variations at all - everyone’s having to jealously guard their own thunderbolt cables and docks or sles they get pilfered, swallowed up by a mountain of charge only/ USB2/3typeC crap with limited performance.

The USB folks really, REALLY screwed up the branding on this whole thing, I really think they’re gonna have to just establish a THUNDERBOLT 5C or something just to unify all these standards in the public eye. Normies cannot make any sense of things

Imagine: You are a filipina trophy wife and your boomer hubby/boss ordered you to buy “type C cables”, and doesn’t understand how anyone could pay more than $15 for a ‘charging cable’ and you’re faced with this:

@LukeAlmighty @WashedOutGundamPilot @Boomerman @Shadowman311 @sickburnbro snark answer: USB4 means manufacturer didn't pay for TB4 certification

serious answer: USB4 can include but doesn't have to include various things that TB4 mandates. Thunderbolt docks will continue to be painfully expensive.
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