I fucking quit at 14.
But it's fun
How far did you get?
@icedquinn @LukeAlmighty I died on rule 24, because I overfed the emoji chicken I had to take care of
@Pantsu @icedquinn
How did you get over the geoguesser?
@LukeAlmighty @icedquinn I was 90% sure straight away and then I just read the streetname I was on
@djsumdog @icedquinn @LukeAlmighty Can’t see the whole thread, what’s the URL?
I swear this is going to make me punt an infant child into active highway traffic, or I’m grossly misunderstanding the syntax: I try “g3 d3”, “Rd3”, “Rd3#”, and so on, and I only get ‘invalid notation’ or ‘illegal move’. I assume there’s a bug with this specific situation, or I’m overlooking something.
@arcanicanis @icedquinn @djsumdog @LukeAlmighty @Flick Check notation is with +.
Yes, I had retried it again later today, and got past it with another board layout, where I tried +, although I thought that situation would have been checkmate. Got past the chess puzzle, completed a few more, and gave up at step 24. Now I feel an itch to maybe poke around with CTF puzzles/competitions again.
Here, go forth and do [fictional] computer crimes instead, for something to dump even more hours into: https://overthewire.org/wargames/ https://www.wechall.net/ https://ctftime.org/event/list/
@lanodan >TRACT
I had to brute-force from a complete country list :D
@lanodan @LukeAlmighty Qh8+ I think
@lanodan @LukeAlmighty i got fewer pieces on that one so i brute forced 🤪
@2ch @LukeAlmighty @xarvos Somehow it also says no (Nf6+ as in Knight to F6, check).
@lanodan@queer.hacktivis.me @LukeAlmighty@gameliberty.club lmao, that's the Dutchman's cap I'm pretty sure https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Dutchman%27s_Cap_(Lithuania)
The game disagrees :D
@Free_Idealist "Nh8+"
Nice... I quit though... I just learned about Paul :D
Today, I learned, that chess notation is the most retarded system ever immagined by humans.
Any move (except for the cheats) could be categorized by a set of 2 points. So why does this shit even have to exist?
That is exactly, why I say, that the system is retarded though.
Point A to point B is always precise.
@LukeAlmighty i failed at the one where paul need to be fed worms and it was overfed and i can’t find a youtube video that’s 24 minutes 59 seconds long
@LukeAlmighty My password is on fire. xD
Fucking chess???