> Be me
> Saw a depressed guy
> He tells me sad story.
> I mention I'm autistic in a single line
> "God, at least I'm not autistic"
I made his day better
@LukeAlmighty Tell me... What's so bad about autism itself?
I see it as an incompatible operation system.
It is working perfectly welll, but what the hell is .exe ?
@LukeAlmighty Well... That sounds like MacOS or well optimized Linux.
Do you talk about amotivation?
My interests are simply so different, that it drives people insane.
The first diagnostic criteria is, that a kid is not looking at the mothers face as much as she wants.... But if you realize "Is she really so interesting? A kid has to figure out how the entire reality works", then it does make sense.
Dancing is almost painful, but it seems to be the most entertaining form of socializing for normies. And this kind of misalignment makes you inevitably into an outcast in childhood. But it does make you an individual. And that is powerful once you're an adult.
@LukeAlmighty I heard that one with mother's face yet it's still an interesting point.
Any difference drives them insane; I kind of enjoy it, how easily they can be pushed out of their comfort zone.
I've always thought that they prefer booze and talking about basically nothing and then acting upon some rather animalistic urges. Although I basically study them I don't understand them at all; to be fair I study what I find interesting about them not this since is quite boring.