BTW, half of the comments are "stop porrn, go to gym and get a job"

Wow... such smart

@LukeAlmighty oof I know that feel. I can see how that'd really suck. Streaming isn't exactly the same as playing for enjoyment.
I also know what it's like to feel like you're stuck in a rut and your life isn't going anywhere.

When I feel rotting, I go to the office, where there are some colleagues at least.

He doesn't have that choice :sadgery:

@LukeAlmighty yeah I know. No social interactions at work. Over time it leads to no friends. No real meaningful human interaction other than your fans if you can even call it meaningful.

This is why the internet is nothing like it used to be. People don't just make YouTube videos out of creative passion. Everything is about making money now.

People at work aren't your friends though. They are a fucking bandaid.

Better then nothing, but definitely not enough.

@LukeAlmighty sometimes they can be your friends. Kind of depends on where you work and who you work with. But yeah if you never go out for work it becomes easy to put off going out for other things until you become a neet
@sjw @LukeAlmighty literally the big reason I've dropped out of YouTube for the most part. That community is dead it's now a make money and parasocial contest
@LukeAlmighty Reminds me of Ukrainian men* being basically kidnapped off the streets by Zelensky's thugs and forced to sacrifice everything to protect GloboHomo's eastern outpost.

*obviously, despite enjoying no more rights or privileges than women, men are saddled with far greater responsibilities. A good principle to have is that no man should ever give his life for a country that grants women "equal rights".
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty if women were equal they could achieve this fallacy of "equality" without using my tax dollars to pay a goverment agency to stick a gun in my face to give them said "equality"
>stop porn
this is pretty high level. Can you explain in simpler, direct terms how this will improve my life? Is it supposed to give me the motivation to want to improve my life?
>go to gym
>get a job
just finished ranting about how I hate my job. I have a job. You want me to hate a different job that I'm not as good at?

in reply: no, there are no simple and direct instructions to be happy, because everyone's in a different place. All people can do is call out landmarks that they've seen in the distance and moved towards, to then see improvement in their lives. Lotta jobless bums that got a lot happier after they got a job, so they're sincerely saying "get a job", but this doesn't help people who have jobs. But there are some common principles that'll show up if you sift through advice like this long enough:
1. be true to your nature. Men feel good about getting skill and providing. If you're a man, improve your skills. Hate your job? Getting better at it tends to make you hate it less. This is what "go to gym" and "get a job" advice is about.
2. get rid of cheap substitutes. You only have 24 hours in a day, so you can't spend 24 hours day enjoying porn and also spend 24 hours a day enjoying a relationship with a woman. You have to pick and choose, and the substitutes satisfy the urge enough that you move down your internal hierarchy of wants and get to the next best thing, like "enjoying good music". This is what "stop porn" advice is about. You have been living for a while, you have had urges for a while, you are satisfying those urges somehow, and yet you are unhappy despite responding to what your body wants you to do. Does that make sense? Is your body broken? No, it's just not good enough at distinguishing sweet-and-low from sugar to reject the substitute at the outset.

> so you can't spend 24 hours day enjoying porn

Bruh, what?
How long do you keep edging??? :Concerned:

@apropos And yes, I obviously get the positive feedback loop principle, but the thing is, that people always start with Gym, Job and porn.

First two things are an incredible motivation sink, and most likely 1/2 of the reason the person feels like shit in the first place. And the 3rd is a replacement for something he would be much happier, if he could be doing instead.

So, why are people always focusing on these 3 points, when they are the worst starting point? He's screaming, because his will to live is at 0.

Do you want a good help at 0? Call your parents. Do it daily. Call other old friends, and try to find at least one person you can talk to daily.

Then, cleaning up. Your surrounding has an insane levels of effect on your mind, even when you don't see it.

And then, the hardest part. Find a way to meet new people. Good fucking luck with that point though, since people seriously do whatever is in their power to make this step impossible. But this is the point, that is breaking people's minds.

Once they can meet people, gym or job are no longer a pointless motivation sink, and a person can start healing.

Also, why porn?
Why is porn the target? I don't get it. Noone wants to watch porn. That part shouldn't need to be explained.

@LukeAlmighty sure, fringe garbage that focuses on other people copulating is just a fake thing that only weirdos like, similar to cuckoldry or 'furry' porn. It's the generalized idea of porn that they're talking about. I'm sure, when people say "quit porn", what they're really thinking of "quit playing Elden Ring"

That's like to tell people to just stop taking anti-depressants (literally), before you get them out of danger zone.

@LukeAlmighty just get a job homie ha. Sympathy rants are for ebeggers and u can stream once a week and enjoy it while doing something u like.
Its time to meet the guy who had it harder than you, or you can ever imagine and gain a new perspective.
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