@LukeAlmighty oof I know that feel. I can see how that'd really suck. Streaming isn't exactly the same as playing for enjoyment.
I also know what it's like to feel like you're stuck in a rut and your life isn't going anywhere.

When I feel rotting, I go to the office, where there are some colleagues at least.

He doesn't have that choice :sadgery:

@LukeAlmighty yeah I know. No social interactions at work. Over time it leads to no friends. No real meaningful human interaction other than your fans if you can even call it meaningful.

This is why the internet is nothing like it used to be. People don't just make YouTube videos out of creative passion. Everything is about making money now.

People at work aren't your friends though. They are a fucking bandaid.

Better then nothing, but definitely not enough.

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@LukeAlmighty sometimes they can be your friends. Kind of depends on where you work and who you work with. But yeah if you never go out for work it becomes easy to put off going out for other things until you become a neet
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