Another horror people will associate with Australia. Excellent.
@CatLord We have lyre worms too you know. But only chugs tend to get them.

@RanchBaron @CatLord
A person who studied veterinary once told me:

All animals tend to catch parasites, and so do humans. Just take anti-parasite drugs once per 2 years or so, and you will be better off...

@LukeAlmighty @CatLord I think this might be a bit overly cautious. There is of course always a chance of the worst outcome happening, but as a whole the treatment is much worse than the symptoms in the vast majority of cases.

Like when I was a kid I picked up stomach worms from contaminated river water (with the rest of my scout troop), my lovely and well meaning parents rushed me to the ER when they heard of this and I had a full scan in that terrifying tube scanning machine, they found a tiny worm patch, about the size of a grain of rice and identified the eggs in my "samples".
I could either take a tablet every morning, only use one quarantined toilet and shower for 30 days and ate a special diet.
Or I could take a measured dose of antibiotic/pesticide which would 100% chance clean me out.
Naturally my parents choose the latter.

From about mid October to January, I was the sickest I have ever been in my life, worse than Covid, worse than recovering from a car crash and having a portion of my intestine end to end sewin back together. I was skeletally thin, my hair as a 12-14 year old boy became straw like and brittle. Worst of all my poor parents were devastated, they burned thousands they didn't have on Specialists and Doctors.

The strangest thing off all, the initial dose of anti-worm meds were at the lowest agreed dosage, after testing for allergies to the active ingredients, the dose you could give a 1 year old. But the effects of a low dose for someone carrying stomach worms at my age, with my condition were not factored in.

TL;DR: Medicine ought not be/yet is ; a gamble. It's serious business. I would have suffered less if a friggen worm caused a blood clot in my innards. And I cured it by drinking tobacco tea.

@RanchBaron @CatLord
I am so happy you shared this. And I 100% agree with your statement.

All medicine is tradeoff of gambles. Literally.
My sister is so cautious, because she loves the more natural life style. Not to mention, that she believes, that most parasitic infections do remain undetected for life, since their effect on your body is hidden.

She even told me, that this seems like an obvious reason, why ivermectin helped people with Covid. Because once people got rid of parasites, their body could deal with the one infection left much better.

But, if you get a bad reaction, that is obviously a trade not worth it to to for a routine prevention.

@LukeAlmighty @CatLord From your lips to God's ears borthor.

My wife is just like your sister, shockingly so. As I have said to her many times, you can only be "alternative" once you fully understand the Orthodox. So for 99% of the non-medical population, a certain amount of 'faith' in the system is required.

On the other hand. . .it's not rocket science. When we were having our lad, my mechanic (and father of 5) explained the female hormonal system, devlopment and issues to look out for more eloquently than the dumbass Gynaecologist we paid to meet every month in the final term.

So I don't know. Community? A more worldly view of how Doctors and Nurses operate? Trust in systems or lack thereof? Yanking the internet connection from people prone to become squirrelly?
@RanchBaron @LukeAlmighty What did the mechanic explain to you specifically?
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