
Review bombing is when
* checks the notes
People who don't like the game don't play the game longer

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Because people hate the idea of other people not sucking their dick...

It literally is not a concept. It means, that more then 1 person decided to leave a negative review. The horror............ :omegalul:

But if they use a "war like language", they can pretent, that it's a malicious action, and demand censorship.

@LukeAlmighty but those people aren't even the devs or the pr team for the game, they're just corporate dickriders
@LukeAlmighty it's a shame really, corporate dickriding is like the lamest thing i can imagine these days

This is just how insanely broken these people's brain can get by retarded propaganda language usage.

@LukeAlmighty to be honest makes me wanna do actual review bombing to remind them what that is supposed to be
like, but i can't be assed to find places where i can do that without wasting copious amounts of money
@LukeAlmighty pretty sure that's never what review bombing meant and people have colonized it to mean "when a lot of people don't like the product" instead of "when people are protesting the company by giving bad reviews"

No, it is just a useless term to begin with.

I would get bot-based bombing, but as long as each user holds the opinion, it is not a fucking crime to dislike something.

@LukeAlmighty originally people didn't actually even own the products they were just giving 1 star reviews because of EA politics and whatever.

I played the demo of Payday 3, and I know already, that I don't like it.

Some games, I played at a friends house etc. And hating the company is still MY OPINION. It is unique, and has the same value.

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