I'm so tired of contemporary gender equality discourse.

Rest is for the dead. But this issue needs to be solved if we want the society to ever recover.

HOLD THE LINE :bigbosscigar:
If you cannot say "castrating kids is bad", then what is your life worth anyway?

Btw, I get it. The society is fucked. Men have no community, no purpose, and no socially acceptable way to achieve basic happiness.
And women lack protection, feel forced to work and are driven away from things that make them acceptable as a partner.

So, neither sex is happy. So, what can we do? There are currently 2 known solutions. 1) fix the society by accepting men for being men, and women for being women. Give men goals worth fighting for, and let women grow as the protected gems of the society.

Or.... fucking castrate them all, drug them to such a state, that they won't have to bother with their sex anymore.

Yeah... I see why someone would get overwhelmed by the weight of this. But HOLD THE LINE!!! :blob_thumb:

@LukeAlmighty can you go kill yourself please? enforce traditional gender roles like that's not literally what caused the problems in the first place. you are mentally deficient and should be shot on sight
@LukeAlmighty not a matter of fun but necessity. anyways blocked

Don't worry, I will live a happy life even without your posts.

Can you say the same?

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