After a week of increasing my cardio and increasing my fiber I GAINED weight. I'm pretty sure it's water retention, because it's hot as fuck and my fingers feel swollen, so I don't know if I should just carry on and wait for the weather to cool or if I should change something up.

I think I'm going to switch from fiber capsules to a drink powder so I get enough fiber. I don't want to take 5 fiber pills multiple times per day.

It's just so deflating to work hard and see negative progress.


Yeah, I know the feeling.
I eat once per day. ONCE. And while I did have a great results at first, after I lost 5kgs, out of nowhere, I regained 3 back, and the progression stopped for about 2 weeks. I am somehow back on track now, but it did in fact drive me insane.

Trust the process. There is nothing else you can do except trust the process and track weight/mood religiously.

@LukeAlmighty @Tfmonkey Getting enough protein and not too many calories is difficult 😔
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