Some doctor and fitness expert recently told me that I just need to stop having insomnia, work out for several hours a day, and eat less, and I'd lose all the weight I wanted.

Yeah, no fucking shit.

Did you also know that if you're poor you just need to make more money and spend less, and then you won't be poor? Genius!

Also, if you just become a rich and good looking, you'll get all the women you want. What are you waiting for?

This is boomer tier advice. Give my dick a firm handshake.

As a guy, who asked 3 separate doctors about my insomnia, I can provide you with the most specialized expert advice. All 3 doctors asked me this question. And it did change my life 

Have you tried to stop drinking coffee?

As a guy, who asked 3 separate doctors about my insomnia, I can provide you with the most specialized expert advice. All 3 doctors asked me this question. And it did change my life 

@LukeAlmighty I don't drink coffee at all. I have green tea in the morning.

My insomnia can be treated by taking lions mane mushroom, but I choose not to take it because I use my insomnia to be productive.

@Tfmonkey @LukeAlmighty I’ve heard you need 2 full nights of sleep to completely recover from sleepless fatigue. Maybe instead of taking lions mane to die for a whole day in one go, try 8-10 hours each day over the weekend and see if that helps


@veff @Tfmonkey
I get your confusion... But that is not possible.

Because today, I "slept" for 12 hours. So, I woke up at 15.

There is no way, I can go sleep after being awake for only 8h.

So, When I wake up tomorow at 14, I will still be far from a normal schedule. Therefore, when I finally fall asleep on monday at 4AM, I am right back where I started, even though, I did rest for 2 days.

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@veff @Tfmonkey
I hate the very idea of having a good sleep, since I know, that it will be followed by the worst possible "falling asleep" immaginable.

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