a girl that needs to use a measuring tape is not worth the trouble
I feel like it was manufactured to decrease the dating/mating pool, woman who fall for these things to such an extent they never reproduce.

@blaaablaaaa @sickburnbro
Well, 10 years ago, there was the "kill all men" wave, so I think, that things are kinda slowly starting to return to sanity.

The relationship rules will have to be completely renegotiated. But, I believe, that in 40 years, the society will be ok again.

Honestly, I know a lot of people who are in the real world and none of this stuff is an issue, they're almost totally offline, off social media. These issues are just part of the carrot chasing, grass is always greener mentality that social media and manufactured trends have warped people's realities.

But yeah it's one reason I'm hopeful because I think this latest generation who has waded through this garbage has a better understanding on importance of family and the traps of the modern world, at least to a certain extent.
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