huh isn't that funny?

niche gamer got a tip from anon back when this was happening, yet it seems they never covered it.

somehow im not surprised
@rlier23 Never trust tranny-friendly people, Niche Gamer was (unwittingly or not) controlled opposition from day 1.
@ChristiJunior Kill a traitor before an enemy. Betraying your brothers is a crime to which the devil himself hates too. @rlier23
@drunkenpriapus @rlier23 Anyone on "our side" who signaled against OAG Billy for his anti-SJW blacklists and his use of the Nigger word is both a traitor and an enemy.
@ChristiJunior Honestly, part of what ignited my hatred of games journos was having the foresight to know that if they game for big tiddy bitches and coomer stuff, they'd come for my beefcakes too.

and they did :sadcat2: @rlier23
@ChristiJunior First the came for tits, and I was pissed. Then they came for beefy pecs and bulges and I ascended to violent rage.

However I appreciate the latest street fighter for … reasons.
@LukeAlmighty I can't really think of specific examples because I'm an ass guy but they toned down Ike's muscles in stuff which is stupid. They twink-ified Cloud (the man has a sword which is the weight of a small child) @ChristiJunior @rlier23
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