>Thread about "why do autists like ____ so much"
>Argue on Reddit that most people with stuff like "autistic" in their bios isn't really
>Get to argue with le "xDDDDD I'm an autistic girl I'm so quirky" that when confronted starts shitting shit like "neurotypical" and literally said that being autistic is a personality trait
>Get downvoted to fuck, not that I expected any less
>Suddenly, in a small ass subs about a game that barely anyone gives a fuck about anymore and barely gets posts, 20 something people that claims to be autistic shows up

Hmm, really sus ain't it?

To be fair, I prefer to see autism as a personality trait.

It is not a disease. It doesn't cause pain or make me live in pain. Literally all pain associated with autism comes from interactions with normies.


Also, did you see my recent confrontation with some "le gamer girl" on Poast?

It was the most hilarious shit. She claimed to be "a gamer girl", and demanded respect. So, I went through her profile, and the only gaming post was almost an year old.... and it was about her hair color being quirky.

So, yeah... I absolutely know what you mean..

Yeah, I wasn't either. I guess she deleted them, and I didn't screenshot, since the autistic idiot me didn't expect to be blocked this fast :D

But that is because, I seriously wasn't even in a woman hating mood.

Recently, since I started con-touring, I literally had so great conversations with some women, about what Star Trek shows we were growing up with etc. There are unironically autistic woman nerds on the same level out there.

But there always comes that ONE WOMAN, who has to screech about being a fan too, while being disgusted by the mere idea of talking about the hobby.

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