>hate speech

Justified in the current climate. Honestly, given how one-sided the "racism is bad" idea has been applied, wwhere the "unless it's against Whites" caveat has been used ruthlessly, Whites have license to do away with the idea entirely and implement a brutal White supremacist regime. Rehabilitating "racism is bad" as an idea as more than just an anti-White grift will be difficult, and is going to require rather extreme measures. If you want an example of what I'm thinking of, look up "Denazification," where in Ally-occupied Germany they did things like make it illegal for people with a history of Nazism to hold any non-menial position, they were forced to labor, and had their calorie intake restricted to about 1,000/day to prevent uprising. Think that, except targeting anti-White wokesters. That's what rehabilitation of "racism is bad" is going to take.

@NEETzsche @ned @adam @aevisia@noagendasocial.com @Johncdvorak @SirRoundedByMyPrivilege@noagendasocial.com @wyliesau
Well said.
I am so depressed about the fact, that the idea of colorblind society is now nothing but a wet fart of a cucketry based concept. But until the racism against whites is being punished without mercy, then any attempt at re establishing it will end up only with further humiliation. And while I didn't believe it would be possible, somehow normies managed to notice that.

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