@LukeAlmighty The problem with shadow is he was already edgy without guns.

@anonymous @LukeAlmighty The problem is that Sonic is just kind of a shitty franchise tbh

@King_Noticer @anonymous @LukeAlmighty how good could they ever be when they based the entire business around the novelty of being a drive thru

@Turdicus @King_Noticer @LukeAlmighty Their burgers fucking sucked tho. Legit the only reason I ever went their were their shakes were fucking fantastic.

@anonymous @LukeAlmighty Lmao

Ok, that's, what, 5 good games? They're vastly outnumbered by the trash :akkoShrug:
@anonymous @LukeAlmighty Stop beating on that straw dummy while I'm talking to you

I said Sonic's a bad franchise, as in, as a whole

The older games being good (Which I don't even believe tbh) doesn't save it when the majority of Sonic games are ass

@King_Noticer @LukeAlmighty Why even bring up the franchise when I was talking about Shadow if not to imply the whole franchise, as in most if not all games, were shit?

Fuck off faggot.

@anonymous @LukeAlmighty I'm not implying anything

Most of the games are shit, I said that plainly

You're welcome to get as assmad about it as you'd like
@King_Noticer @anonymous @LukeAlmighty It's way more than just 5.
>They're vastly outnumbered by the trash
Only 3 of them are objectively bad. Most of the games are good or fun but no one besides kids actually plays Sonic games and it's impossible to explain this to anyone without coming off as a fanboy. :tanya_sigh:
@Ace66062 @anonymous @LukeAlmighty Saying no one besides kids actually plays them isn't really helping your case there

Regardless, I don't really hate Sonic that much, I mostly just rag on it out of superstition

I already like pokemon, you see, and I fear if I were a fan of both I might end up like Chris Chan
@King_Noticer @anonymous @LukeAlmighty >Regardless, I don't really hate Sonic that much, I mostly just rag on it out of superstition
It's fine so does everyone else and I should be used to it by now.
@King_Noticer @anonymous @LukeAlmighty 3&k is 1 incredibly good 10/10 game that got split into two cartridges because of time constraints. sonic 2 is good. 1 is mid, sa2 is mid if you have low standards

the sonic franchise has 2 good games. if you want a game about being blue and going fast you're better off with yo noid 2
@All_bonesJones @anonymous @LukeAlmighty @King_Noticer if you are open on not being blue and can handle being yellow just play Spark 3
@All_bonesJones @King_Noticer @LukeAlmighty @anonymous >shitty game about a shitty mascot for a shitty pizza chain is better than Sonic
Yeah, this'll get some heat. Also, wasn't the Noid red?
@mrsaturday @King_Noticer @LukeAlmighty @anonymous it's a free 10/10 3d platformer that, unfortunately, only takes 2 hours to beat. if you asked me to compare yo noid 2 to, say, mario galaxy, i'd recommend mario galaxy over it because it has so much more content, but what little content yo noid 2 has (only 5 levels) is polished to such a mirror shine that its overall quality blows the best of mario out of the water
>branching storyline with ten separate endings
>CGI cutscenes produced by Blur Studios, who'd later work on Halo 2 Anniversary
>music primarily by Julien-K, who'd go on to work with Chester Bennington of Linkin Park
>panned for being "too edgy", a sentiment that then produced the self-aware nihilism of the next decade of media
@bleedingphoenix @LukeAlmighty I remember not being able to finish this game because my Xbox would always freeze when I got to that level with the green goo floors. Or maybe it was lava?
@bleedingphoenix @LukeAlmighty Julien-K did music for Shadow the Hedgehog? That's pretty cool! I never knew that!
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