Well, that's because humans are inherently sexual beings, but that is a conversation, that this society isn't ready for.

@LukeAlmighty @tyler It also doesn't belong in society because that's how it falls into hedonism.

@Nesano @tyler
Hello sir, I would like to inform you that you are the problem.

@LukeAlmighty @tyler Okay, go blow your load in some hookers and waste your seed to pixels then, faggot.

@Nesano @tyler
My last post was about the nature of humans, and your first thought about this nature is "blow your load into a hooker."

So again, YOU are the PROBLEM.

@LukeAlmighty @tyler I don't fucking care, nigger, I'm talking about the subtext, don't try to kike your way out of this.

@Nesano @tyler
No, "go blow your load in some hookers and waste your seed to pixels then" is not the subtext. It's the fucking problem.

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@LukeAlmighty @tyler You said they're inherently sexual beings and I said we should be careful not to descend into hedonism. Do you not know what fucking hedonism is?
@LukeAlmighty @tyler You're fucking saying we need to talk about sex and shit as a society.

@Nesano @tyler
Is this supposed to be a dog whistle? We haven't been talking as a society about literally anything else for the last 15 years.

@LukeAlmighty @tyler Oh yeah dog whistle WUHWUHWUGGAWUHWUHWAGGA TRUST THE PLAN PATRIOTS IN CONTROL yeah I'm dog whistling to Qanon right now, you got me.

@Nesano @tyler
My secret plan had won, since you are TALKING about it right now.

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