“We found that people who had a better understanding of pregnancy were more opposed to legislation restricting access to abortion,” Greene says. “Basically, people who knew what a trimester was and who knew how we count the weeks of a pregnancy – that it’s done dating back to a woman’s last period, rather than to conception – are more likely to oppose laws limiting women’s access to the full range of reproductive health care options.”

The researchers also found that 12-week bans did not garner any more political support from study participants than the six-week bans.

“This suggests that efforts by some politicians to promote 12-week bans as a moderate, or compromise, position are likely not effective,” Greene says.

“One possible take-away here is that efforts to educate the public on basic sex education may be a viable strategy for groups trying to build support for women’s access to abortion.”


1) More women support abortion
2) Women are by default more educated on topic of female reproduction, since they refuse to talk about the topic with men
3) Abortion activists will "educate themselves", if it means getting more weaponised arguments

I seriously doubt these 3 factors were taken into consideration, yet all of them explain the same effect.
This is the literal definition of reversed causation.

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