same vibe as a kid stomping up to their room after being grounded.

They know they're wrong, but are upset. No-one will care. Going to be absolutely like the abortion ban, old news then no news.

Congratulations trannie activists.
You have made the word gender unusable, and forced everyone to use the word sex instead. Also men and women will be replaced by male and female in all documents, laws and common speech.

But as soon, as the new words are adopted, you will be back to the square one.

@LukeAlmighty yes, "gender" must be unusable because it has been purposefully perverted in service of transhumanity. Because "your gender isn't your sex, hur hur hur"

There is no square one, this isn't a video game that people press the reset button on.

To be fair, basically nobody used the word gender in this way 100 years ago. This is one of those pre internet memes that spread remarkably quickly.

@narada @LukeAlmighty yes. most of this toxic stuff was hatched up by lunatics in the late 70s, it just couldn't escape into the public easily.

@sickburnbro @narada
Btw, I disagree.
I thought, it would be easier to just force the correct definition back, but it seems, that most people see it your way.

And recently, I noticed, that the terms male and female are in fact starting to leak into the conversations. It's kinda funny :astolfoqt:

It would have been unthinkable to WWII era people to use gender to mean sex in American English. Can't exactly call that the correct definition

Current usage was invented by pedophile sadist John Money

I've heard that, but I've never confirmed if it was true

@narada @Ottovonshitpost @sickburnbro
Also, why would you care?
A definition of a word is by definition (ironically enough) whateverthefuck you decide it to be.

So, even if it was gender == sex 50 years ago, it isn't now, and it can be 10 years from now.

Same reason I don't say gay sex, but sodomy. The Antichrist world system taking over a word 50 years ago isn't different from doing it now. Purity in speech begets purity in thought

@narada @Ottovonshitpost @sickburnbro
I guess.
I also try to purify my dictionary of many words.
Good luck with that. :blobinlove:

@narada @Ottovonshitpost @sickburnbro
Ok, here's my problem.
I just started to watch Jordan Peterson's "analysis" of a rap song, and what is literally the first thing he says?

> You shouldn't use the term gender, because the left.....

You are literally bending to their dishonest rhethoric. And there is literally no reason to do that. Why even acknowledge their insanity as an honest argument? You know they do know the truth, and when you speak, they will be able to translate the words in their heads eventually.

I fucking hate how the right is willing to bend the knee.

@narada @Ottovonshitpost @sickburnbro
Btw, I am 99 percent sure the switch of terms was not only artificial, but also pre-planned.

How? Because when the concept of social role based on characteristic was introduced, they called it a "gender ROLE". That phrase is an amalgamation of definitions. If gender = sex, then sex role is exactly, what would fit the lefite definition of "gender". And the lefties used to use the phrase.

It as if they were using the phrase "knife cutter" while meaning only "knife". It is not a phrase, that had any other reason to exist, then bridge the definition slowly.

@LukeAlmighty @narada @Ottovonshitpost You need to think about this on a larger scale. "No crisis gone to waste" is a simple summation of how progressives work. They desire power, so every opporutinty is used. This also means they constantly wargame ways to break culture to generate power.

As others have mentioned, John Money was possibly the person who first wrote about "gender" as a word which could be seperated from "sex".
@LukeAlmighty @narada I agree it would be nice to force the old definition back, but that's just not understanding the big picture.

Once you've gotten to the point where a well known definition has been changed, you are to a point in culture war where you can't make a move like that.
@LukeAlmighty @SaltWraith you should, it's what keeps fedi from turning into facebook.
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