
There are only 2 types of time travel characters:
1) I tried saving the love of my life once, and it didn't work. The fate is inevitable.
2) The first 5000 years, I did a little progress saving my loved one. Every iteration of every variable in their life lead them to the same point in time. I needed a new solution. I had to get stronger. So I decided to kill all Gods.........

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@LukeAlmighty You forgot the Kyle Reese/Future Trunks/Lucina-type time traveler character who tries to change the past to save humanity.

Fair enough.
I just dound it funny to see the binary difference between infinite tries and "she died again... sad. Anyway :pepelol: "

@ChristiJunior Kind of unrealistic that Trunks would go to the trouble of going back in time to save the world when his own timeline/dimension remains exactly the same anyway.

Bulma: "my friends are all dead and the world is still destroyed, but I'm glad my son got to have a fun adventure for a month"
@LukeAlmighty Then there's "we must let this woman get hit by a car or America won't enter WW2 and all the Jews will die".
@LukeAlmighty Almost surprising that the show depicts a Lindberg/Coughlin figure as a nice person that you're supposed to like.
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