>It's in the top 10 Steam curators
I'd love it if the whole company goes down in flames over this.

@Hoss @ChristiJunior They're fucked. From now on they will have to sell their services as "We will help you woke your games, but you have to promise not to tell anyone!" Every game developer in the industry now knows that hiring Sweet Baby (or a company like them) will get their game boycotted by the bulk of the US market. It's endgame. Game over. We won.

This is GamerGate done right.

"Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

No more "Oh look we're supporting a feminist charity!" or "Oh look, we have niggers and other browns in our ranks!" This is how Gamergate should have worked from DAY ONE. "We are your customers. We have preferences. You appeal to them and you get money. You don't and we will wreck you and you will go broke."

Luckily there's no "ethics in gaming journalism" meme discourse for people to get into useless autistic debates about this time around since gaming journalism is totally dead and basically hasn't been a thing for the better part of a decade. Now it's easy to cut to the chase: Make a game that doesn't suck ass or go out of business.
@Hoss @ChristiJunior Yeah. Seriously. Nobody ever gave a flying fuck about "ethics in gaming journalism". People were mad about censorship and niggers/faggots being put into games. GamerGate 1.0 was profoundly dishonest about what was making them mad which also made them *WEAK*. Now we're clear: Take this shit out or you'll be Atari.
@caekislove @Hoss "It's actually about ethics in gaming journalism" literally started out as a SJW joke mocking GG, it somehow becoming our dogma was the work of SJW Lites and e-celeb grifters who never wanted to seriously hurt the Marxists.

@ChristiJunior @caekislove @Hoss
Think of gamergate as the flight of Wright brothers. You cannot just jump off with a fucking mig 15 without previous technologies being tested and known.

But it is my absolutely favorite historical anecdote, that the first flight was in December 17, 1903, and mere 66 years later, we landed on the fucking moon.

Don't be rough on the people making first steps. Noone knew of the woke cause back then.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @Hoss Many of us initially just thought it was a containment breach of the website tumblr dot com. Turned out the rabbit hole went DEEP.

@LukeAlmighty @caekislove @Hoss Oh, there was definitely a lot of bad faith during GG. People like Sargon were probably somewhat sincere (as evidenced by his later political evolution), but someone like Nicole Sund was 100% an Enemy and Infiltrator.
@caekislove @LukeAlmighty @Hoss Milo actually did some genuinely great work during early GG tho. He also viciously attacked SJWs without virtue signaling about how good feminism or left-liberalism is.

Later Milo is vile, but I was genuinely a fan of his back in the day.
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @caekislove @Hoss milo was just a grifter whose purpose was to keep you from going farther right than a 90's democrat and what you are attributing to him was his removal that allowed you to move further right

It always humors me when lefts say they were radicalized by people like sargon and ben shapiro but in reality they did nothing but inhibit me
If it wasnt for the rage after storm incident where the skeptic community simultaenously spilled their spaghetti having to discuss an issue more complex than gender studies rhetoric regurgitated by bedroom feminists i would have likely never ended up here
Still cant remember what broke me off shapiro a lot of my path to radicalization is still a blur

@ChristiJunior @caekislove @Hoss
Sure, but again, my point is, that we didn't know it was a begining of culture war.

That is why we're treating it as a war now.

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @caekislove @Hoss
Gamergate was one of the first battles, and it was one that politicized a group that initially only wanted to grill.
They attacked on other cultural fronts as well at the same time ("Oscars so white") but these were fields that were used to controversy for ages - Hollywood at least since "birth of a nation" and later the Hayes code.
Gamers were young and not versed in fighting cultural battles, but they learned fast.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @Hoss @caekislove Do you have a folder of stuff like this? You just reached back almost an entire decade.
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior @caekislove @Hoss i liken it to mcarthy because he knew there was an issue but didnt have the tools needed to combat it as the rot went a lot deeper than he thought

In GG people naively thought that their adversaries were rational actors when in reality they are subversive communists where the only language they understand is a boot on the neck and the only negotiation with them is the caliber bullet to use

@Vidmastereon @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty @caekislove @Hoss And the brick wall McCarthy eventually slammed into was Eisenhower's first loyalty being to the US Army, not the USA.

Important to "know your enemy." in "this sort of war" his pain points.

Truman was easier, his first loyalty was to the Democratic party and while that severely limited criminal prosecutions of Communist spies, the optics were horrible and untenable when the Korean War started and the US did so badly, largely become of Truman's post-WWII polices or those he accepted.

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