@cjd @Moon
Obvious jokes aside, the problem is, that you cannot create a dataset by humans, since humans are incapable of making this distinction themselves.
The entire concept of schizophrenia and inteligence being 2 sides of the same coin does apply here 10fold. Because, briliant people do see paterns that you cannot visualize, that means, that you cannot know, if they actually are smart, or if they are bullshitters.
This is, why most atempts at doing this end up just with recognizing, how niche words you use, since the niche words are needed to make a scientific article. But, you immediately turn to social science loons, who cannot form a single sentence without going full systemic prejudice against margenalized methaphors for cheese.
@cjd @Moon
> Space and time are the same thing
Literally is either the most briliant thought of 20th century or something a local greenhead said after his 5th joint.
> All matter is created from energy
Now, you're either talking to quantum physicist, who understands the nature of matter, anti-matter etc, or you're talking to Teal Swan.
See the issue?
@cjd @Moon
And to finish this, take conspiracy theories.
They are theories. By definition, they are something, that people who believe in them weren't able to disprove.
But, when you talk to a normie, they take the word theory, and believe, that it means by definition, that it has to be false. This is the inteligence on the 100IQ level. But, it is based on a deeper problem. That is, that we are working with an insanely limited amount of measurable data. And AI can only compate concepts to concepts, but It cannot compare concepts to data. That means, that it has limit to it's potential only to things, that humans have already measured.
@cjd @Moon
If you want to make an AI to learn what interests YOU, then even the dumbest "find words I like" system will do the job. As long as the text contains "linux, boot, freeware, software, hardware", It's great.
If it contains "republican, democrat, trump, fuck, Nigger" It's BAD.....
But you changed the goal entierly now. Your original post was about finding intelligence.
@Moon @LukeAlmighty @cjd Einstein's "misguided opposition to quantum physics" was I think more opposition to the "Copenhagen interpretation" than all of quantum mechanics, which I'm restudying right now, Thirty Years That Shook Physics which I last read in the 1980s.
As in, per (((Otto Robert Frisch's))) autobiography (he was a top experimentation of the era and the guy who asked the key question which led to practical atomic bombs), Einstein is credibly claimed to be the first scientist to take Max Planck seriously. Although you could possibly add "... and get results."
Plank just about tore his hair out (seriously, look at photos of him around this time) trying to explain the emission of light, and came up with the idea light is packaged up in quanta, small packets of energy we now call photons. He was using evidence from emission, and of course assumed absorption was the same.
Einstein took the empirical, experimental laws of the photoelectric effect where light hitting metal throws off electrons, and explained how quanta of light perfectly explained that thus closing the circle, which really got the ball rolling. So important that was the specific thing cited for his Nobel.
It's pretty amazing stuff from a historical perspective. The next theoretician to make headway was (((Niels Bohr))) and per the book one of the assumptions he made was that hydrogen had only one electron. Nobody knew!
@Moon @cjd
This guy wrote his own OS. Does he sound "smart" though?
@cjd @Moon
Also, just consider the biggest problem with intelligence is in fact communication. Smart people do see a problem in it's entierity, where describing route from A to B is a language problem with exponential growth or words needed to describe each step and needed connections. While this is not a problem for AI (for obvious reasons), It shows exactly, why humans cannot create the dataset.
We were so confident about this issue not existing, that we even created a logical fallacy to describe logic too advanced for our understanding. We call it a slippery slope.