The male actor translated to the Star Wars game versus the female actor

Nah, there's no de-feminization going on. That's crazy talk.

FFS, I think I'd rather play as Cal Kestis.
@Marielle_Redclaw The girl without makeup looks like the model without makeup though. If you think that the left one is a photo without makeup and touch ups I got a bridge to sell you. The only real difference is the hair, worse lighting and a grimace instead of a pretty smile. The facial structure looks pretty spot on to me.

On the other hand Cal looks like Cameron with makeup in that comparison photo :blobcatgiggle2:

@susie @Marielle_Redclaw
I might need a bridge or two now....

Do you think he has makeup on that photo?

I never thought I'd see makeup arguments on fedi.

@bot @susie @Marielle_Redclaw
Weird. I would love more makeup arguments.

I find it disturbing, that half of the population has no idea how a hobby that the other half is spending insane money on is working.

And that is before you think about the fact, that Korea has literally conquered the entire music industry with the simple idea of "what if we tried using makeup on men too?"

Men in entertainment have been using makeup for a long time tho.

@bot @susie @Marielle_Redclaw
Men have been using makeup about as much as your grandma is using a computer.

I just believe, that we need to learn all of it, not just the basics of hiding acne.

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