Watching the reviews of Steam deck clones is hilarious, because literally all the clones make the same mistakes.

All of them have a ridiculously ugly and clunky UI. I would get, if one of them had the error, but all of them literally the same problems????

Not to mention, that Valve made it perfect on the first try?

> I can almost see the MSI, ROG etc engineers all going through this scene for the last few years :omegalul: most clones use windows. And Windows doesn't have that great of a cusromizability.

Valve took it next level with Linux. Customized it especially for their device. (although you gotta admit, they experimented with Linux already)


Yeah, I have a steam Link at home. It's such a pointless device. But it shows, that they did need a few attempts to get their HW products to a usable state :D

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