
I hate e-smokers much more, then I hate normal smokers.

Because smokers do understand, that other don't want to breathe that. But E-smokers are still too dumb to get it. "It has E in name, so it's different" 🤡

@LukeAlmighty >Because smokers do understand, that other don't want to breathe that.

Not where I live they don't, all smokers I encounter have no second thoughts about poisoning the breathing space of as many people as necessary for the sake of their own convenience. In my experience, the "considerate smoker" is just as non-existent as the "moderate Muslim".
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty
Smokers definitely didn't before it became law.
A few decades ago it was even normal to light up and ask for an ashtray in a non smoker's house - he could probably have asked you to stop or leave, but that would have been seen as rude.

@quercus @ChristiJunior
Yes, but that was kinda my point.

We returned straight to 0 just because they're holding a peace of plastic instead of paper.

@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty in my family/friends it's actually quite the oposite, we would all be inside having dinner or something and they will say "oh let me go smoke a cig" even if everyone tells them to just stay inside to keep the conversations going.

most of the time it ends up with everyone outside evne tho just one person is smoking lmao
@ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty yeah, if it weren't for hard rules against smoking in certain places, I'd have a coworker who would smoke at the table while having lunch together.

The only reason any smoker shows any sort of "consideration" is if there is a hard rule against smoking, or if everyone else in the place tells him to go fuck himself and to smoke elsewhere. It's not even that they don't care, but they are so used to the smell that they don't even notice it anymore, and they think no one else does.
@LukeAlmighty Nigga have you ever been on a construction site
@LukeAlmighty Its just cringey to me. If you’re so nicotine-addicted just smoke cigarettes because they’re actually easier to moderate (bc you gotta go outside for a dedicated session rather than impulsively hitting that stupid toy wherever). I’ve noticed in the past couple years that people my age are posting selfies and often you can SEE the vape in their other hand. They can’t let it go.
>i'M TeRRiBLy sHaKeN bY oUr GrEaTeSt aLLy NoT GeTTiNg aLL tHe FoReiGn AiD iN tHe BiLL
Gaza actually needs aid, they were relentlessly bombed by their neurotic neighbors. Food. Water. Hospitals. What is Ukraine going to spend the money on?
@LukeAlmighty >distinguishing pieces of shit from other trivially different pieces of shit.
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