The economy is nothing but pyramid schemes all the way to the top, isn't it?

Pretty much. It's about controlling the money printer.

The printer is one thing, but:
Stock market is a pyramid. Retirement funds are a pyramid. ESG is a pyramid supporting a pyramid. Most small businesses are a small pyramids, and most tech startups are industrial scale pyramids.

So, it seems, that modern industries are 10% about production, and 90% about just promising a return on pyramids.

Yes. If you were to reduce production to people's real material needs -- food, water, shelter, energy, clothing, medicine -- these problems are basically solved in the West. They're not far from solved in Eastern Europe and the Far East is getting close, too.

So where does that leave people? People get gradually corralled into smaller and smaller niches of things that machines don't do better, and it's gradually turning out that we're creating a new aristocracy of bullshit artists.


Thanks, your elegant and sharp takes never fail to put a perspective to my random thoughts.

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