Random question - what would you say are the Top 5 most Iconic video games of all time?

My list would be Pong, Tetris, Pac-Man, Donkey Kong and Super Mario Bros, but maybe I'm a bit *too* much of an Oldfag.

@ChristiJunior Pretty complete list I’d say. I’d want to throw in Space Invaders, Centipede, Pitfall, and Pokémon, but I’m not sure which I’d replace. Maybe a top ten?

Also, I don’t know if Doom is iconic, or just because of the meme of it being able to be run on “anything.”


@echo @ChristiJunior
I've been gaming my all life, and I can barely remember when I ever heard about the Pitfall or Centipede.

@LukeAlmighty @echo @ChristiJunior
Centipede was all over the place. In terms of arcade shooters I don't think it's the most iconic because a lot of shooters happen to stick to other people's minds.

Pitfall is only referenced by boomers. But pitfall is the origin of most of the elements found in platformers. Both 1 and 2 are very impressive technologically and 2 pretty much started the Metroid style of free exploration platformers. It's kinda tragic that Pitfall just never had a presence outside of the Atari despite how important it was.
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