I'm going to be less active here. I feel like I should spend the most time where my contributions are valued.
Your contributions would be more valued if you layed off the anime.

NCD is a anime respecting instance.
I think of NCD as like a LAN party of yesteryear. People show up to have a good time, connect, and play what they want, when they want. Maybe they do, maybe they don't, maybe someone shows them some awesome game they haven't seen before so holy shit gimme that disk and your CD key so I can play with you too. Also Bawls. Also discussions on which is better - Unreal Tournament or Quake? (UT obviously)

If you're expressly here to drive engagement for your specific project/agenda - I wouldn't expect much traction, especially if what you're covering realistically only allows individual contributions to little more than "Save the Rainforest".

I've watched your shows before, and some of it is really insightful to those issues - I'd suggest tempering your expectations on user engagement if that's your goal.
Yeah NCD I thought was different than other fedi instances. I assumed there were Christian values.
@RadixVerum @Red_Hat @WilhelmIII Yes, non-leftist fedi generally suffers from useless conversation syndrome. Nice thing about Gab was/is that even though it's driven by bots, the conversation was at least halfway relevant and open to right leaning perspectives. See almost nothing actually relevant here on fedi, so it's the cozy gang only.

As for anime respecting, these cringe lustards don't seem to respect anything about anime but the titties. They watch shit anime, promote shit anime, and many don't bring anything to the table besides cis-hetero deviant art crap (only a hair better than your typical DA fair).

I respect anime plenty. I sit and watch good anime with my children, and look forward to the day when they can handle more serious stuff. I just don't respect these fuckboi incel weeb waifu worshipers, and how they hide that cringe behind their anti-pedojacketing mantra when subjected to the slightest criticism. It's very jewish when you think about it.

@JollyWizard @RadixVerum @Red_Hat @WilhelmIII
> cis-hetero deviant art

If you don't like it here, go back to reddit.

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Game Liberty Mastodon

Mainly gaming/nerd instance for people who value free speech. Everyone is welcome.