It's pretty weird we pretend consistency is some virtue.
>everybody would save a loved one over a stranger
>we're fine eating pigs, but not dogs
>you can be naked in a shower, but not on a bus
It's actually extremely useful that we can make special exceptions for behaviors without having to justify why.

Inconsistency is a feature, not a bug.
@Type_Other Eating pigs over dogs probably has to do with the fact a pig's usefulness is in it's meat while a dog's is in it's ability to bark and hunt.

@Dicer These kinds of things all feel like rationalizations though. Dolphins are useless to us but we still find it unconscionable to eat them. I've seen people cite dolphin intelligence, yet pigs are smarter than dogs, so brains can't be the deciding factor either.

Then people have to form these multi-dimensional analyses to try and form a consistent model of right from wrong, when really that has everything backwards. We make decisions on what's moral without running any complex computations, or waiting for the results of tests and studies. Somehow we just know.

Plato formed this model of human behavior where "reason" is like a driver and "emotion" is a horse being told where to go, but Jonathan Haidt is probably more correct saying it's the opposite. Emotion is the driver, and it tells reason where to go. We point logic in the direction our gut instinct wants to end up, and it finds a way to get us there.

We already determined by instinct that incest is wrong, then after the fact we go jumping through hoops to try and logically deduce why it must be wrong. It's a dumb little game of pretend we play that switches the driver with the horse. It's unnecessary.

@Type_Other I don't eat dolphins cause it's just no readily available.
Also I forgot your from a place where faminine never fell hard enough for people to eat their pets on a national scale.
@Dicer I only use the dolphin example because people generally feel it's "wrong" to eat them, but when pressed can't give a reason besides them being kind of smart--which isn't exactly consistent because we eat other smarter animals.

People do eat dogs, but the fact it usually requires something like famines or extreme poverty points to a priority. When we have the freedom to, they're among the first things we spare. No well-adjusted person will gut their chihuahua because they just didn't feel like eating out that night.

@Type_Other @Dicer
Also, that naked example is retarded... Here is a steelman though

@LukeAlmighty @Type_Other @Dicer I should keep this a secret... But, throughout almost all of recorded history swimsuits weren't a thing, you know.

borderline nsfw 

@MeBigbrain @LukeAlmighty @Type_Other @Dicer Not really, that isn't my intent, just a statement of historical fact. They really weren't a thing that existed commonly. The whole swimsuit vs. underwear thing that he posted is a modern issue. You'd be surprised how much of our culture you can trace back only to the last two centuries or less.

@wgiwf @Dicer @MeBigbrain @Type_Other
Yeah, the jews are forcing absolute decay on all societies in the world, but that is an another topic entierly.

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