Just a reminder that the extreme right is using toxic masculinity as a way to recruit young men.

While we can easily blame men for being toxic, I don't think it will fix much. We need to create a narrative that speaks to men that feel lost. One that's different than all the toxic shit that's so effective on these guys right now.

There's legions of young men feeling left behind by society, and we need to make sure they don't feel that way before things get ugly.

@ainmosni As long as you're viewing it as only a way to recruit men for a political ideology and not actually trying to solve the problems they have you're never going to be successful. Doing it for purposes of recruitment puts your goals in the wrong place.

Speak to men because you want to provide solutions, not recruit them for a cause.

@Noraweed @ainmosni
They literally cannot do that, since white man is the devil of their religion.

@LukeAlmighty 70% of White men voted Trump. Leave the reality of Trump aside, to a shitlib Trump is an open racist. Voter turnout is around 50% in most elections. So 50% of White men could not be bothered to turn out to defeat racism, 35% voted for it, leaving just 15% self hating enough to vote against it, and some of them are old geezers voting to protecc their gibs (Social Security) out of habit.

In short they hate us for good reason and they will never stop hating us.
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