Just a reminder that the extreme right is using toxic masculinity as a way to recruit young men.

While we can easily blame men for being toxic, I don't think it will fix much. We need to create a narrative that speaks to men that feel lost. One that's different than all the toxic shit that's so effective on these guys right now.

There's legions of young men feeling left behind by society, and we need to make sure they don't feel that way before things get ugly.

@ainmosni Heed my words you fucking faggot. I became a nazi because you couldnt just exist on your own, I saw many things I love die because of your subhuman ideology and existence. You drive me to the “extreme right” I just wanted to play video games and enjoy things like Star Wars but you repugnant filth couldn't shut the fuck up. I hate you and you ilk, and I, who once was atheist found my way back to God. While even God may show you mercy if you prostrate your detestable self before him, I shall harbor no such forgiveness.

@William_The_Dragonborn @ainmosni
>>>I just wanted to play video games<<<
I look forward to the day of no return, when they scream in agony, and in a short moment of clarity, they see the full meaning of that phrase.

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