Seems the bigots and trolls are attacking me. Haven't seen this much homophobia in a very long time. But it was just so stereotypical that it's just comical. All banned and reported of course.

They aren't attacking you, they are literally responding to your request to start a conversation about the narrative about the role of men in current society.

And your response was to block them and laughed about it. Do you realize, that you have proved their point?


How can we reach all the right wingers???? It's such a mystery....

@LukeAlmighty @ainmosni >no one on these instances are rightwingers they're all basement dwelling losers who never got any pussy!
this fag probably
Ironically, he hasn't either. I wonder who spawned his proclivities, his father, his uncle, a male teacher?
And the faggot thinks we like his fellow pillowbiter Tate, too. I'd call him delusional, but he's a faggot, so I'd be repeating myself.
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