>”I work out 2-3 times a week (ish)”
Translation: I once worked out 3 times in a week like 2 months ago, and twice in a week another time. But usually I only make it to the gym once a week because I’m just soooo busy. I’m writing this effortpost to make myself feel better about how lazy I am because I actually just hate myself.

Sad part is she could totally save herself even working out twice a week and cutting the goyslop she’s become so attached to. 10 more years she will be a full-on landwhale.

Fat loss is a task I failed at.
It is not a simple thing, and pretending like it is doesn't help anyone.

But yes, I am still trying FFS. :cry_konata:

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@LukeAlmighty @suquili It's incredibly simple, but it's not easy. Just eliminate vegetable oils and added sugar from your diet entirely, and get a moderate amount of exercise. That's literally all you need to do. You don't need to starve yourself or eat terrible food or slave away at the gym. but you need to read labels on absolutely every single thing that goes into your body, and you'll have to find safe alternatives which can be a challenge when the overwhelming majority of all food is full of fattening garbage.
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