
I see, that you guys are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better then the best of our physicists combined"

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@TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty I see, that they are still too retarded to understand the concept of "I don't fucking know, I am not better than the best of the physicists who still don’t fucking know and who are not better than God."
@TrevorGoodchild @Gran3Walder @Jewpacabra @LukeAlmighty Then you get the Math versions with Cantor and Godel, both looking into the deep contradictory fundamentals of mathematics and infinity. Both slowly going insane.
Having read a number of the papers in this field, I can confirm this meme as entirely accurate.
@WilhelmIII @TrevorGoodchild @LukeAlmighty @Jewpacabra I showed this to a guy a while ago who works somewhat in the field. He laughed. Then he stopped laughing.
@TrevorGoodchild Better yet get two physicists sober and ask them at the same time!
@judgedread @TrevorGoodchild And then toss a broken bottle between the two of them?
@Hertz @TrevorGoodchild I toss in a ball of string and double cat dare them to theorize.
I always understood the curvature of space-time to be a descriptive model rather than being considered an actual thing.
@Witch_Hunter_Siegfired @dubbub @TrevorGoodchild @Jewpacabra @LukeAlmighty Yet another German connection in Breaking Bad. All the subtext of Breaking Bad was a Aryan vs jew narrative, and the top warriors on each side were German - Ermentraut and Schrader. Of course Walter White would have a German persona as well.
I spent a concerted amount of time online in my teens seeing if I could disprove God & therefore my parents' nauseating, hypocritical, televangelism-era religious observations...

I couldn't. Never let a hypocrite stand between you & God, I was told later...

@JoshuaSlocum @TrevorGoodchild @Jewpacabra @LukeAlmighty These niggas can't even figure out matter. When the math breaks down they blame "dark matter", a substance they've never seen and shouldn't exist, because their gravity silly string equation says it's there.

@PunishedD @TrevorGoodchild @Jewpacabra @LukeAlmighty dark matter hangs around because "matter we can't see or detect" makes more sense in the observations than the more esoteric explanations
the maths working out to galactic scale means the math is pretty good; newtonian gravity failed at the solar system scale
doesn't really have anything to do with string theory per se
but it's hard to explain and it sounds retarded, agreed
Dark matter/dark energy is the modern equivalent to "the aether" in earlier cosmological models.

We haven't yet figured out what we are missing in the current models but there's obviously something not right. Plugging in an imaginary substance makes the math work, but anyone who doesn't depend on his grant money requiring it is pretty sure that it's just a shorthand for "we don't know yet."

@WilhelmIII @Jewpacabra @JoshuaSlocum @PunishedD @TrevorGoodchild
Well, that's the issue here all over again.

Some people just don't understand, that "we don't know yet" is a serious and valid anwser.

Saying "I don't know" doesn't get funding, though.
@WilhelmIII i try to keep dark matter and dark energy segregated, as they are way different, and are dealing with completely different things
the mofos who named them so similarly prob regret it now
also, you haven't heard? "the aether" is still kicking it on web sites that look like they came from 1997
I expect that in the end dark matter, dark energy and aether are all going to be neighbors in the midden of bad ideas alongside "X-Rays help you shop for shoes" and "lobotomies cure depression."
@WilhelmIII what keeps me up at night until i take buttloads of heroin is that, maybe, this is the best we can do
Some bright boy out there is going to figure it out.

God told us to take dominion over the earth, and that's what we're going to do. It just takes a while.
@JoshuaSlocum @WilhelmIII I seriously wonder if this will be done by an AI that we create someday.
It will figure physics so advanced we barely understand it, if we ever do. Like explaining quantum gravity at a five year old's level, only we will always be five years old.

We might still be able to use it and travel to the stars. But we would never truly understand the technology.
AI can, quite literally, only repeat what it's read. It has nothing whatever to do with intelligence.
AI-generated science will turn out the equivalent of the AI drawing of a woman with big tits and 3 hands.
With the deluge of Indians using AI too generate training content for AI, we will shortly reach the point where AI is widely seen as the joke that it is.
@Snidely_Whiplash @WilhelmIII @JoshuaSlocum Today's level of AI won't do that. Thing's change.

There is no reason we will not create genuine intelligence someday. Or something that approximates closely enough whether it's self aware or not. After that it seems to be just a matter of scaling that intelligence. There is no fundamental bound on intelligence that we know of.
The problem of "today's" AI is not a level or implementation problem. It is that what they are producing is not intelligence. AI has nothing to do with intelligence. What they have produced is a very expensive engine that can generate pertinent answers in grammatically correct, though often simple, English. This is not a small achievement, but it is not intelligence.
You claim "There is not reason we will not create intelligence someday."
This is a very bold assertion, one with no evidence or thought behind it at all. Can you even define what intelligence is? The AI industry gave that pursuit up in the 1980s.
I would assert, quite baldly, that computers, being what they are, and given how they work, will never ever ever, on a fundamental level, be capable of intelligence, no matter how much programming you put into the effort.
BTW the Turing Test is ontological nonsense.
@Snidely_Whiplash @petra @WilhelmIII >Can you even define what intelligence is? The AI industry gave that pursuit up in the 1980s.
they more or less went with "pattern recognition and memory"
which isn't so bad as far as it goes, and works pretty well for what they call AI these days
it maps well enough to what we think of and measure as human intelligence, which is why an AI engine that can produce a JPEG of Hitler riding a dinosaur gets billions in funding
it's intelligent enough that it can nearly replace, i dunno, 20-30% of normies
who, let's be honest, aren't all that intelligent; they're just pattern recognition engines with memory
it's a leap from there to the even more nebulously defined "genius", which is what would be required for a jump from chemical/atomic reaction to FTL travel
We already have nukular propulsion. We’ve had it for 70 years.

We’re *not allowed* to use it
@s2208 that's why i added "atomic reaction"
we do use it, sorta
Voyager uses is, as did one of the Mercury orbiters i think? maybe it was something else, there was a big stink about "what if it blowded up over Earf?"
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@Snidely_Whiplash @WilhelmIII @JoshuaSlocum @petra
Well, that is kinda wrong.
The AI does have a model literally based on scientific method. (Observe, create a theory, measure, assess difference and alter theory...)

Therefore, it does come up with its own descriptions of what it does observe. We didn't teach it what a car is, we only showed it 100 000 000 pictures of cars and not cars.

So, I believe, that physics might be the best problem for AI to solve, since we are working on it in the exact same way. All it needs is its own interface to observe. We don't need it to create a new physics, but to analyze what physics is.

No, it does not know what a car is. It cannot abstract the idea of "car" from it's training database. It can't even abstract the idea of "object" from its database.
This is why it's so terrible with hands. I has no abstract idea of what a hand it, what it does, what it looks like. It can only concatenate several millions of images tagged with the word "hand" and calculate an average of what lines, shapes and coloration correspond to that tag. But because hands are so mobile, fluid and expressive, the examples do not do much to constrain the image generator.
Likewise, it has no idea of what a "car" is. It has a list of compositional elements, shapes, lines, curves, etc that correspond to the tag "car". The image generator has no concept of what a car is, or even what a car looks like, because concept is itself outside the programming.
This is a category error.
And AIs can't observe.

@Snidely_Whiplash @WilhelmIII @JoshuaSlocum @petra
What do you mean that AIs cannot observe?
literally all additional data are observation.

And the "set of lines in relations to each other" is one kind of an abstraction for a car.

I get your criticism, but the issue with AI is, that it has no concept of itself, and therefore it cannot has its own goals. Literally all learning is from a human set utility function. And that is a fundamental problem, that will not be solved by just more nodes. But to say, that it cannot abstract ideas is just wrong.

I meant exactly that. AIs cannot observe.
Observation requires conciousness. AIs do nit have conciousness and cannot observe.

The issue is not the concept of self. The issue is the lack of concept AT ALL. AI cannot conceptualize.

And no, AI cannot abstract concepts from the training set. This statement is entirely 1000% correct.

AIs do not even have the idea of truth vs falsity. It is a category error to believe they do.

People are overwhelmed by the AI's ability to compose English sentences, which is used by the programner to MIMIC intelligence.

The whole thing will come crashing down soon enough.
The problem with "dark matter" is not only that it's dark, it is apparently evenly distributed in the Universe.
There are other solutions to the problem, but they lie outside the Standard Model.
@Snidely_Whiplash @LukeAlmighty @Jewpacabra @JoshuaSlocum @TrevorGoodchild If you want to start a real argument, inform them we have never confirmed the Standard Model applies outside of Earth-bound observations.
@TrevorGoodchild @Jewpacabra @LukeAlmighty There was a poll done where working physicists were asked "what is a particle" in the context of Quantum Mechanics. The most popular answer was "something we measure in particle detectors".
Almost all of our knowledge base is like this.

Virology is the same thing—it’s a mythology used as a basis for Government Grants (commie begging).

Science progresses one funeral at a time—as the gatekeepers die.
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