@LukeAlmighty fire ants are an invasive species but they are much cooler than niggers
@CatLord @LukeAlmighty because it's not illegal to just genocide them when you find them

@CatLord @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty ants are neat and some of them are capable of farming fungi.

meaning some ants are capable of what you could consider agriculture while niggers weren't until others enslaved or colonized them.



@CatLord @lichelordgodfrey @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty >Ants, with a brain made out of approximately 250.000 neurons somehow unlocked the skills to ranch aphids and crudely cultivate fungi for their own benefit
>Niggers, with a brain (supposedly) made out of 86 BILLION neurons couldn't do neither in thousands of years of existing, being able to do so ONLY after being enslaved and colonized
@Curvin @LukeAlmighty @CatLord @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey the fungi stuff ID Even more insane, the manager to domesticate the fungi to the point where it's a completely different specias to what it was originally

Mfs created a new type of fungi altogether
@rlier23 @LukeAlmighty @CatLord @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey So they have been doing it for so much time that they've selectively bred a new species of fungud made for them.
Now that's impressive.
@Curvin @LukeAlmighty @CatLord @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey yeap their fungi has become extremely reliant on the ants to survive in exchange for bigger harvests
@rlier23 @Curvin @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey a prospective queen carries a strain of the fungus with her, when establishing a new colony too. very cool! they exist symbiotically. ants are a great family of insects to study, to see many different novel social organisations and interactions. some ant species will happily share nests, for example.
@CatLord @lichelordgodfrey @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty this is why I never try to get rid of ant hills near my gardens. every year
my tomato patch gets descended upon by these little pinkish aphids and I start to worry. after a couple weeks I mysteriously would no longer see them, hmm. sometime ago I finally spotted the ants going after the aphids. I knew it was smart to leave them be, I could feel it. ants are friends.
@help_helper @CatLord @lichelordgodfrey @LukeAlmighty ants are generally great for gardens, they can pollinate, they eat bad bugs, and they help aerate the soil with their tunnels as well as fertilize it.
i just don't want them in my house, i don't fuck with them outside.
@EssentialUtinsil @CatLord @lichelordgodfrey @LukeAlmighty same, I purposefully plant peonies for them near the areas of the house they might otherwise try to enter, like
the kitchen. they also really love sunflowers so I try to make sure to grow a patch for them. before I was into gardening I would get ants in the house every spring and summer and drove me nuts. as soon as I started growing things they like, I never saw them indoors again.
@help_helper @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey @LukeAlmighty sometimes they path through my house, trying to get to somewhere else. i just caulk the cracks that they use to get in
@CatLord @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @help_helper @lichelordgodfrey I have little ones that love my garbage disposal, can’t really get rid of em unless I just don’t use the disposal cuz they come in through my kitchen window
@sapphire @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @help_helper @lichelordgodfrey hopefully some of the food makes it back to the colony before they get disposed
@CatLord @LukeAlmighty @EssentialUtinsil @lichelordgodfrey while it is a neat thing, i'm fucking nuking them and their ranches out of existence the moment they step into My plants
@lichelordgodfrey @CatLord @EssentialUtinsil @LukeAlmighty This, I can appreciate ants, they make productive societies on their own, niggers however cannot
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