@Curvin @Eiregoat @vaartis
> Složení: voda, pomerančová šťáva z koncentrátu (4 %), oxid uhličitý, kyseliny: kyselina citronová a kyselina jablečná, sladidla: cyklamát sodný, acesulfam K a sukralosa, přírodní pomerančové aroma s dalšími přírodními aromaty, antioxidant: kyselina askorbová, barvivo: karoteny, stabilizátor: guma guar.
Seems so, although only 4% from a concentrated matter. Also, I kinda hate that drink anyway.
@Curvin @aceattorneybot @Eiregoat @vaartis
Yeah, it wasn't made for such an extreme cases.
@Curvin @Eiregoat @vaartis
Also I believe, there's a funny language barrier, since we call all of lightly sweetened water "soda" or "mineral water", while what you call a soda pop (all the dark with a ton of sugar), we call all of that "cola".