Atheism is indeed toxic. Not all atheists are, but they need to dig deep into what that means. And if they are going to embrace science, they can also no longer state with certainty that there is no God. The best they can do is claim agnosticism.

> Embrace muh science (did I tell you already that I fucking looove science?) so you can change the label slightly into one, that doesn't trigger me.


@YTFoidLover1488 @madel_schmadel
Next time please add some sort of thesis that you're trying to support with that video because I don't get your point without it.

@YTFoidLover1488 @madel_schmadel
Absolutely. Some people unironically believe that "science is whatever I believe. It got revealed to me on holy TV, and may Charles Darwin strike you down if you disagree. "

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