How am I always the weirdo, when there are people like this out there?

@LukeAlmighty it's always surreal when you hear the most retarded faggots do shit like that, they just acting like weirdos and everyone else acts like it's normal.

and that women do it too, 15 year old me was trying to play minecraft on a server, join a vc, this chick hops on, and then somehow segways the topic on the fact that she REALLY loves nerdy looking guys with fat asses, and then when she noticed i was confused and didn't know what to say, the obvious reaction was to DM me some fucking pictures from her hard drive, of nerdy looking guys with fat Asses.
also had a prostitute just go to VC to rant and dump about how much she hates being a prostitute and how disgusting the guys she fucks are.
i was still 15.
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