The literal owner of the company is an open free speech advocate... :alexjoneshey:

I mean, he is literally the NO1 advocate in the country.

@LukeAlmighty I mean - remember how Palpatine in the Prequels controlled both the Republic AND the Separatists?

Good one :alexjonessmile2:
I mean, he literally has an organization to get the free speech themes to the lawmakers...

I expect, that this one is a case of "better not kill my pay-piggie", but I am not ready to condemn him...yet

@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior "community managers" are almost as cartoonish as HR and should be kept on a tight leash
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior this is the community manager in question ( :kekgold1: )
it looks like she comes straight from Plaion (formerly Koch Media), which - as it turns out - bought Warhorse in 2018 (I seriously just found this out). well, I hope surrendering control was worth it for Vávra
@LukeAlmighty @ChristiJunior apparently there's another layer of the drama, which is a rumor that KCD2 will have blacks or gays or black gays. I think this prompted the jannies to attempt shutting the forum down in the first place, but I can't find anything other than rumors. do you know something about this?
@grips @ChristiJunior @LukeAlmighty As long as the gay blacks are part of the enemy faction it's ok for them to be there
I've seen images of a somalian doctor in the game. At this rate they might even have a somalian rocket engineer in middle ages Bohemia. They are both equally likely.
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