The religious fags on Twitter are melting down over gamers telling them to fuck off for trying to ruin games in ultimately the same way feminists tried.

The latest is referring to any female character with sex appeal as porn. Some times they just feel like handing an easy win to the left. :pepedisappoint:

Fortunately, it's not the left on the other side of this fight. #GamerGate2 :boxing_kitty:

Nah, this isn't a gamergate 2... the anti-chritianity era was 4 years before gamergate.....

We're still in the same loop though, just slightly off on the time-scale.

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@LukeAlmighty @Rasterman Fascinating how christians are quick to ignore and discredit blatant sexual violence towards children done by jews that they once accused satanists of doing.

The jews were always doing that and christniggers were falsely accusing satanists of doing it out of malicious untruthfulness.
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